

37 Uppsatser om Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - Sida 1 av 3

Rörelsens generativa kraft : Den kroppsliga rörelsen som varseblivningens möjlighetsbetingelse

The standard model concerning the relationship between perception and motility is linear and one-way. It depicts the flow between the two as moving from sensation to perception to representation to computation, and finally, to motility and action. According to this model, animal being is basically a bundle of reflexes. But what can correctly be considered a bundle of reflexes from a natural science point of view, doesn't necessarily have to be true. This conception does not take into consideration the more complex interactions between motility and perception that constitutes, or generates, animal and human beings.

Skapande av innovativ och välunderbyggd konceptdesign med stöd av ramverk för medierad handling : En undersökning av hur ?The Mediated Action Sheets?, ett ramverk för interaktions- och tjänstedesign, kan och bör användas

Under den diffusa delen av ett projekt i interaktionsdeign fattas beslut om vad som ska skapas. För att strukturera denna process rekommenderar Arvola (2013) ett ramverk för beskrivning av medierad handling. Utöver ett antal informella intervjuer med personer som använt ramverket har inga undersökningar genomförts vars resultat beskriver hur ramverket används i praktiken. Studier som visar hur ramverket bör användas för att ett användbart resultat ska genereras har inte heller gjorts, förrän nu. Genom att under två workshops studera interaktionsdesigners generera designkoncept med stöd av ramverket för medierad handling, har fyra kännetecknande aspekter av hur ett bra designkoncept kan skapas med stöd av ramverket identifierats.

Konstruktion av värmespridare med grafit för flygelektronik

This master thesis was carried out for Saab Avitronics, a business unit of Saab ABactive in electronic systems for military aircrafts. Reliability and weight are of crucialimportance in this environment. To improve reliability and lower the weight graphitemay be used for electronics cooling. Graphite is an anisotropic material and hasthereof high thermal conductivity in two directions (in-plane) and a relatively lowconductivity in the third direction (through thickness).The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if graphite is an adequate thermalconductor to use in PCB carriers. The carriers support and cool the PCB by divertingthe heat dissipation from the PCB components to the edge.

Gömda monteringar för tredimensionella textila föremål

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:06.

Plastfilmsöppningar till Tetra Paks förpackningar : En teknisk introduktion och tidig konceptutveckling

This master thesis is an early concept development project about using plastic films and sheets as materials for shaping openings for Tetra Pak packages. It is also a technical introduction highlighting the areas of importance for the development of plastic film and sheets openings. The master thesis has been carried out as a co-operation between Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Tetra Pak AB.The master thesis study presents an introduction that gives an understanding of the technical complexities and design possibilities of using thin plastic films and sheets in liquid carton openings. The knowledge is then transferred into five design concepts which points out the areas of opportunity. The technical introduction is widespread and extensive covering current packing trends, the liquid carton package and openings, thermoplastic material properties, and thin film and sheet manufacturing and shaping.

Preparering av kabelände inför statorlindning

At Uppsala university scientists have during the last years developed and built wave energy converters. This project is called "Lysekilsprojektet". The development has come so far that they are currently investigating how to gain profit in a mass production. For that reason they want to automate as many steps in the production as possible.The winding of the stator is one part that is being automated using industry robots. The stator is cable wound unlike many other generators.

Tätskikt i klimatskal : En studie av byggentreprenörers arbetssätt

As energy prices skyrocket and the environmental issues become more frequently debated, interest in energy-efficient buildings has increased sharply in the past decade. Because of this, the interest to achieve high air tightness in building envelopes have once again awakened, due to a good air tightness contributes to lower energy consumption in several ways and to a healthier indoor environment.As the regulations for energy consumption and controls of achieved air tightness has tightened considerably in recent years, the work regarding sheets for air tightness changed significantly for construction contractors. This thesis includes a study that aims to detect what kind of manuals, recommendations or instructions contractors working according, and how a number of randomly selected construction companies in Halland, Sweden, are dealing with the matter of high air tightness of the building envelopes. The study also includes a knowledge inventory of supervisors, site managers and skilled workers, and what their opinions and attitudes are like towards work regarding the sheets of air tightness. The results have been compared with a similar survey dated to 2004, conducted by the SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden in collaboration with Chalmers University of Technology.

Layoutbegränsningar i XSL-FO

This thesis discusses the differences between an automated and design centered layout process. The work has beenconducted at CBG Konsult AB, a service provider of multilingual solutions, translations and localization.The purpose with this work was to investigate some limitations and issues with the layout process involving the languagefamily XSL used for automated layout at CBG Konsult AB..

Det permanenta mätfelet: En studie i förändringen av det permanenta mätfelet

This thesis studies the relationship between book values and market values in different assets and liabilities in Swedish Large Cap companies balance sheets. The aim is to find out if the relationship, the permanent measurement bias, has changed during since Mikael Runstens doctoral thesis from 1998 called The Association between Accounting Information and Stock Prices. Although some changes in the permanent measurement bias are found, this probably is due to other aspects than the introduction of IFRS..

SFEH. The clothes. The brand. The style.

SFEHA project about a clothing brand and a new kind of showroom that looses it´s structure during the process.But managed to find the core and produced a personal mirror of prints for a greater cause.Sfeh is the brand with quality and humor in focus and the will to push the boundries. With prints based on free drawing and smart thinking as it´s essential base.The project resulted with a various collection with mostly T-shirts but also textile gloves and bed sheets..

2440x1220 : såga, sätt samman

I have been inspired by the Do It Yourself movement. DIY builds on the creativity of the individual, one?s capacity for initiative and one?s desire to realise one?s ideas. I have been inspired by sheets of pattern paper used in the manufacture of clothing, and my line of furniture is based on two-dimensional patterns of furniture. The sections of the pieces of furniture are printed on and relate to a standard sheet of plywood.

Företagspresentation på Internet

Hedvigs Trädgård i Gävle är en handelsträdgård som specialiserar sig på hälsa och trädgård.Hedvigs Trädgård har idag ingen webbsida som visar deras verksamhet. Genom att ha en företagspresentation på Internet lockar de fler kunder och folk över hela världen kan se vilka de är och vad de gör. Brist på tid och kunskap har stoppat dem från att skapa en egen webbsida tidigare.Examensarbetet går ut på att skapa en enkel men innehållsrik webbplats åt Hedvigs Trädgård med ett tillhörande administrationsgränssnitt för att lägga till meddelanden och nyheter samt att uppdatera information.Nyckelord: Webbsida, administrationsgränssnitt, webbdesign, webb-programmering, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL.

Användbarhetsutvärdering av det lätta sandwichmaterialet Hybrix för bilkarossapplikationer

This M.Sc. thesis is a material application evaluation commissioned by the advanced body engineering department at SAAB Automobile AB. The purpose of the thesis is to evaluate implementation of the innovative sandwich design material Hybrix into an automobile body. Today the most commonly material used in the body is galvanized steel sheets and by shifting material to Hybrix several problematic issues have to be dealt with. Hybrix is an innovative sandwich sheet that inherits thin stainless steel face sheets and a stainless steel fibrous core.

Frisörer och frisörlärares syn på gesällbrevsmomentens användbarhet

I have been inspired by the Do It Yourself movement. DIY builds on the creativity of the individual, one?s capacity for initiative and one?s desire to realise one?s ideas. I have been inspired by sheets of pattern paper used in the manufacture of clothing, and my line of furniture is based on two-dimensional patterns of furniture. The sections of the pieces of furniture are printed on and relate to a standard sheet of plywood.

Trycksaker till Utvecklingshuset och Skönhetsbanken

A number of publications has been produced for two companies in Dalarna, Utvecklingshuset andSkönhetsbanken.Utvecklingshuset is working, among other things, with stressyndroms and by treating crises. Theirpublications consist of a number of product sheets, a folder and a brochure. They want to use the publicationsfor information to their customers.Skönhetsbanken is a beauty saloon who will have a brochure to mediate the services they can offer.Photos have been taken, existing and for this purpose written texts have been used.The softwares Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and Adobe Indesign 2.0 have been used for all publications andthe work with producing these has been satisfactory.The effect of a good cooperation with the companies has resulted in that they are pleased with thepublications and feel that they have been part of the end of the results.All of the publications have been or will be printed with digital printing methods, which is the reasonfor the choice of the litterature survey.The survey deals with, among other things, how the digital press works, which papers that are suitable,economic aspects and what a graphic designer should have in mind when it comes to graphic productsthat will be printed with digital printing methods..

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